Nikita Pathakji ,
MasterChef: The Professionals 2022 Champion
Appeared in 2023, Festival now closed.


MasterChef: The Professionals 2022 Champion. Nikita Pathakji joins our line-up for Sunday 6th August.

Nikita wowed viewers last year with her incredible dishes and became MasterChef Professional Champion. Working over 7 years as a chef in professional kitchens, including 3 Michelin starred Core by Clare Smyth and 2 Michelin starred Claude Bosi at Bibendum. 

She is proud of her broad and curious palate from extensive travels, combined with mastery of traditional cookery techniques at Kitchen W8, have inspired a distinctive style of fine dining which won the MasterChef: The Professionals title. Passionate about working with the best local produce, zero waste initiatives and creating sustainable workplace environments to inspire and innovate in the kitchen.