See The Sea - Dolphin Watching at Seaham Food Festival

wild space logo

WildSpace is dedicated to making nature accessible. We’re proud to work with many organisations to make nature and wild spaces as inclusive as possible – through our work, we run events, activities and have resources on our website. Our new and exciting project – SEE THE SEA is aimed at making the coast a place we can all explore! You can join the WildSpace team to look for fossils, delve into rockpools and spot some dolphins on our Cetacean Station. 


dolphin watching

We’re very happy to be working with Seaham Food Festival to bring you a pop-up Dolphin Watch! Our exciting Cetacean Station will be on hand to help you look for dolphins and porpoise offshore, have a look through our binoculars and take a peek for yourself. During the event, we will also have skulls and fossils to look at and maybe treat yourself to a Glitter Tattoo!. Want to join us? Look for the yellow WildSpace stand and our team in their Marine Team jackets

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