At this year's Seaham Food Festival, we had the Seascapes Project Stand. 2024 festival now closed, sign up to our newsletter for 2025 updates.
The team had a NEW Free app which has been launched to connect residents with coastal wildlife, heritage and immersive stories with wrecks and places along the Tyne to Tees coast. The SeaScapes Coastal App is available free from your favourite app store.
It will ping you when you reach a spot of interest as you follow the King Charles III England Coast Path.
The team were on hand to tell you all about the New App along with Reading the Rocks website.

Our coast is a unique and extraordinary place, full of geological wonders, both natural and man-made. It is also an internationally important coastline because of its Permian Magnesian Limestone and it is coming back to life in spectacular fashion. This website includes virtual visits to three sites between the Tyne and the Tees: Seaham, Blast Beach and Blackhall. Through 3D tours, videos, diagrams, and online resources, you can take a walk on the coast and delve deep into the geological secrets of beach. is now active and will introduce you to the geological wonders of the Durham coast and to take you on a journey, exploring ancient tropical reefs, the last ice age, and the impacts of mining. Designed by Durham University for SeaScapes, this project enables you to learn more about this special coast.
In addition the stand will be celebrating our Living Seas with SeaScapes and Durham Wildlife Trust
Around half the UK’s wildlife live in the sea. From the Tyne to the Tees there is over 20 miles of coastline, and our waters play host to a vast array of wildlife. Unique in the UK, this is the only place where rare Permian Magnesian Limestone is submarine which today is a nursery ground for juvenile cod and supporting sponges, soft corals, hydroids, bryozoans, and dahlia anemones.
Join us for sea themed fun and find out how you can help.